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Lezgian / ˈ l ɛ z ɡ i ən /, also called Lezgi or Lezgin, is a language that belongs to the Lezgic languages. It is spoken by the Lezgins, who live in southern Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan. Lezgian is a literary language and an official language of Dagestan. It is classified as "vulnerable" by UNESCO's Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger.

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7. Cf. instead North Caucasian words such as Budukh ǯuməl, Lezgi č:umal, Agul   Evolutionary phonology: the emergence of sound patterns. 'Explaining final obstruent voicing in Lezgian: phonetics and history', Language 80: 73-97. 13 May 2016 The Lezgian language has one of the most complex phonological systems among Daghestanian languages with 54 consonants and. 6 vowels in  Lezgian is a member of the Lezgic branch of the Nakho-Daghestanian family of plicates the description of Lezgian phonology considerably. Another  Udi, a Lezgian language, has since long been considered as the descendant of phonology, morphosyntax, derivational morphology, and syntax, as well as to  Mielke, Jeff (2003) The Interplay of Speech Perception and Phonology: Experimental Evidence Haspelmath, Martin (1993) A Grammar of Lezgian. New York:  This pattern, previously unmentioned in the phonological literature, is the first known case of alternations involving ejective harmony.

2018. Acoustic classification of Russian plain and Lezgian -- Phonology -- 3.

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Readings. Ozburn, A., & Kochetov, A. (2018) Ejective harmony in Lezgian.

Lezgian phonology

Understanding Morphology - Martin Haspelmath, Andrea Sims

Lezgian phonology


Lezgian is a literary language and an official language of Dagestan. It is classified as "vulnerable" by UNESCO's Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger. 2015-02-26 · Lezgian is a relatively deep linguistic group (deeper than the German, Slavic or Turkic groups, but younger than the Indo-European family) which consists of languages spoken in South-East Dagestan (Russian Federation) and the adjacent parts of Azerbaijan, see Fig. 1 for the geographic map (adapted from ). Request PDF | Explaining Final Obstruent Voicing in Lezgian: Phonetics and History | In Lezgian, a Nakh-Daghestanian language, final and preconsonantal ejectives and voiceless unaspirated Lezgian (Lezgi) is a Lezgic language belonging to the Nakho-Daghestanian (East Caucasian) family. It is spoken by about 400,000 people in the Caucasus Mountains of southern Daghestan (Russian Federation) and northern Azerbaijan (Haspelmath 1993:1).
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4 Feb 2013 Lezgian. Autoglottonym: lezgi _'al. Pronunciation: [].

Google Scholar There are nine languages in the Lezgic language family, namely: Lezgian, Tabasaran, Rutul, Aghul, Tsakhur, Budukh, Kryts, Udi and Archi.
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As used in this article, the term excludes the Indo-European (Armenian, Ossetic, Talysh, Kurdish, Tat) and Turkic languages (Azerbaijani, Kumyk, Noghay, In Lezgian, a Nakh-Daghestanian language, final and preconsonantal ejectives and voiceless unaspirated obstruents are voiced in certain monosyllabic nouns. This article offers acoustic evi-dence confirming that the two coda-voicing series are indeed voiced in final position.

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Standard Lezgian is based on the Küre dialect.

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Lezgian is a literary language and an official language of Dagestan. It is classified as "vulnerable" by UNESCO's Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger. 2015-02-26 · Lezgian is a relatively deep linguistic group (deeper than the German, Slavic or Turkic groups, but younger than the Indo-European family) which consists of languages spoken in South-East Dagestan (Russian Federation) and the adjacent parts of Azerbaijan, see Fig. 1 for the geographic map (adapted from ). In Lezgian, a Nakh-Daghestanian language, final and preconsonantal ejectives and voiceless unaspirated obstruents are voiced in certain monosyllabic nouns.

Standard Lezgian grammar features 18 Page 6/10 The series builds an extensive collection of high quality descriptions of languages around the world. Each volume offers a comprehensive grammatical description of a single language together with fully analyzed sample texts and, if appropriate, a word list and other relevant information which is available on the language in question.