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Sie - Translation from German into Swedish PONS

und translate: and, and, and, what of it?, and, and, and, and. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary. German Language Stack Exchange is a bilingual question and answer site for speakers of all levels who want to share and increase their knowledge of the German language. It's 100% free, no registration required.

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Lai , calamus , bara icke . Germ . melde sie nicht . arundo , canna . Rör - drom / Efa .

Click on one of the links below for an in-depth explanation with exercises for each of the individual German cases. Translations in context of "wie sind Sie" in German-English from Reverso Context: wie lange sind Sie schon Sie alle haben Namen, wie Sie und ich, und sie sind keineswegs bloße Statistik. They all have names, just like you and me, and they are in no way mere statistics.

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Und sie in german

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Und sie in german

The "du/Sie" choice in German is sometimes a dilemma even for the most sophisticated speakers. "In private circles, an older person is always the one to suggest to a younger person that they use Contrary to English, German makes a distinction between the formal way of saying you (Sie) and the informal way (du). The formal Sie you would use when talking to a stranger, highly respected person, as for example in some circles parents and other older family members, und so weiter (and so on).

In German it is die Schnecke (feminine) and that’s why we need to say sie: Sie ist langsam (not: Es ist langsam).
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It’s great for when you don’t know your relative social status or want to make a point of equality; however, a lot of languages make a distinction between people, and encode social status and considerations into the language itself. So sie is they, but Sie (capital 'S') is you in the polite form in singular and plural. Ihr and Sie are therefore only related in the fact that they are both polite forms. ihr is 2nd person plural, but not a polite form.

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The greatest love of all German men is soccer.

VORHABEN - Schwedisch-Übersetzung - Deutsch

Deutschkenntnisse maßgeblich darüber entscheiden, wie wohl Sie sich in Deutschland fühlen und wie schnell Sie deutsche Freunde finden werden. K ee p in m ind t ha t your German skills will significantly influence how comfortab le you feel in Germa ny and how q uick ly you can make fr iends . There are two ways to say "you" in German and using the wrong one can lead to some serious misunderstandings. Kate Müser finds out how to avoid "du" and "Sie" faux pas - and learns that Germans Translations in context of "was sind sie" in German-English from Reverso Context: Und was sind sie, so eine Art Schriftsteller? Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation More I am studying German for the second time.

utrog ide 3 : uppen : rohr . Belg . riet .