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quick clay — Svenska översättning - TechDico
Quick clay landslide in Rissa, Norway, 1978. Source: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) On 29 April 1978, a landslide wiped away an area of 330 km 2 (about the same as 47 football pitches) including 13 farms, two homes and the local community centre. contain quick clay at some depth below the ground surface. If the quick clay was formed very deep there is no threat since normal landslides only reach down to about 35 m at most. Other quick-clay areas are located far from river and stream banks (where many slides start), but these could still be hazardous if the slopes are steepened or 2019-11-12 · On the 29th of April 1978, a quick clay landslide devastated large areas of the rural district of Rissa I mid-Norway.
According to Toril Hofshagen, the regional head of the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, the landslide is one of the largest quick clay failures that has occurred in Norway's recent history. The Quick clay landslide in Rissa, Sør-Trøndelag in 1978, is the largest in volume that has hit Norway after 1900. Over 20 houses and farms were taken of the 2000-09-01 2012-09-01 2021-02-25 2021-01-05 2011-09-15 2009-03-13 Leda Clay, Quick Clay, & Landslides or Sinkholes in Quebec & Eastern Ontario, Canada, documents the history of unstable clay soil landslides or sink hole formation in Canada, Norway, and other locations. 2020-06-23 2020-12-30 2021-01-02 2021-01-04 2020-12-30 2021-01-07 2021-01-02 2016-11-14 2019-11-12 2015-04-30 2020-12-31 Occurred on June 3, 2020 / Norway Info from Licensor: "Part of northern Norway just washed out to sea. 'I had just made two sandwiches when I heard creaking.
A046 Z-99 Resistivity Imaging for Mapping of Quick Clays for Landslide Risk Assessment Introduction 1 T. DAHLIN 1 V. LEROUX 1 R. LARSSON 2 and K. The Quick Clay Landslide at Rissa - 1978 (English commentary). On the 29th of April 1978, a quick clay landslide devastated large areas of the rural district The Quick Clay Landslide at Rissa - 1978 (English commentary). On the 29th of April 1978, a quick clay landslide devastated large areas of the rural district of The Quick Clay Landslide at Rissa - 1978 (English commentary).
Lena Persson - Google Scholar
The May 2010 Times article explained that because the unstable clay formed in salt water the molecular structure of its particles is unstable (compared with clays formed as layers in fresh water). Quick-clay landslides are common geohazards in Nordic countries and Canada.
The landslide masses flow down along the terrain. Quick clay landslides are of two main types – stepwise and uninterrupted. In stepwise landslides, sufficient failed material liquefies that the debris from each step flows away from the slide scarp, leaving an unsupported unstable slope that, in turn, fails and flows away. The deadliest quick clay landslide in Norway’s history occurred on May 19, 1893, in Verdal, Trøndelag county.
Quick clays are glaciomarine clays
The footage confirms that a substantial failure occurred prior to the main Alta quick clay landslide. There is a large vacated scar in the background, whilst in the foreground slumping has developed.
Dog walker shot
of the interparticle stresses is disturbed. Quick clay landslide in Rissa, Norway, 1978. Source: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) On 29 April 1978, a landslide wiped away an area of 330 km 2 (about the same as 47 football pitches) including 13 farms, two homes and the local community centre. contain quick clay at some depth below the ground surface.
Reports suggest that up to nine people might have been injured. 2021-02-25 · In a quick clay landslide, disturbed clay starts to ooze down a mountain or hill, carrying topsoil and anything on it, such as homes and trees, along with it. The landslide will continue until the landscape flattens out or the clay encounters an obstacle.
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Magnus Hellqvist - Google Scholar
The presence of the sensitive clays in Scandinavia and Canada creates quick clay landslide hazards. The ability to predict the likelihood of such landslides Talrika exempel på översättningar klassificerade efter aktivitetsfältet av “quick clay” – Engelska-Svenska ordbok och den intelligenta översättningsguiden. Integration of InSAR and ground-based geophysical measurements to study an area prone to quick-clay landslide in Sweden.
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Mapping of quick clay using geoelectrical imaging and CPTU
Several homes were evacuated, although, luckily, no injuries were reported. A massive portion of land fell into a stream that flows into the St. Lawrence River. According to media reports, the affected region is about 200 m (656.2 feet) wide.
Identifying landslide preconditions in Swedish quick clays
Identification and mapping of quick clays are essential endeavours because the damage caused by an individual landslide can be large and costly, with potentially fatal consequences. 2020-12-30 · Overnight, a large quick clay landslide has struck the village of Ask in the municipality of Gjerdurm in Norway. News reports from this landslide are a little confused as I write this – unsurprisingly – but it is clear that the slide has swept away a number of houses. Reports suggest that up to nine people might have been injured.
Quick clay has been the underlying cause of many deadly landslides.