How do I find my h-index? - Frågor och svar
How do I find my h-index? - Frågor och svar
This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for av H Ekerwald · 2009 — Ekerwald, H. (2009) ”Redaktören har ordet: Sociologisk Forskning, Web of Science och Sociological Abstracts”, Sociologisk Forskning, 46(3), s. 3-4. Tillgänglig Ett komplement till Web of Science övriga index, för titlar som är under review av Web of Science. ERIC via EBSCO Web of Science Core Collection Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Vi som arbetar med att läsa ned filer med publikationsposter från WoS har upptäckt att det gjordes en del ändringar i formatet i samband med Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) Proxy. Arbline Direkt Det går även att göra citeringssökningar i Web of Science. (Finns även med i Comparative Analysis of Web of Science and Scopus on the Energy Efficiency and Climate Impact of Buildings.
och studenter på följande villkor: Användaren skall tillhöra en organisation som abonnerar på Thomson's databaser Web-of-Science eller Web-of-Knowlege. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Search for researchers in Web of Science The Web of Science ™ is the world’s most trusted publisher-independent global citation database. The Web of Science is the most trusted source of open access data. Over 12 million gold and green versioned articles, as well as bronze free-to-read articles, are available from 5,000 fully open access, hybrid and subscription journals curated by our in-house team and trusted partners.
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Clarivate Web of Science har en sida på Facebook Gå med i Facebook idag om du vill hålla kontakt med Clarivate Web Web of Science, part of @Clarivate, is the world's largest publisher-neutral citation index and research intelligence platform. categories. Intresse Design/methodology/approach - Calculations of the overlaps between the journal lists of Web of Science and Scopus and some other major scientific databases LIBRIS titelinformation: Web of science [Elektronisk resurs] Social sciences & humanities; Conference proceedings citation index; Current chemical reactions Databasen Web of Science (WoS), som ägs av Clarivate Analytics, anses av många inom den akademiska världen som den främsta kvalitetsdrivna databasen Chalmers bibliotek rekommenderar Web of Science därför att den är en av de stora, viktiga vetenskapliga artikeldatabaserna, och den har ett citeringsindex. Hej! Jag sitter hemma och jobbar.
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Search for researchers in Web of Science Multidisciplinary database with citation indexes covering sciences, social sciences, medicine, technology and arts & humanities Web of Science is a website that provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines. It was originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information and is currently maintained by Clarivate Analytics. Web of Science. The Web of Science platform connects the Web of Science Core Collection to regional citation indexes, patent data, specialized subject indexes, and an index of research data sets for confident discovery, access, and assessment.
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Multidisciplinary index to journal literature in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Offers the option to find Five minute tutorial from Web of Science. Science Citation Index Expanded Provides bibliographic and citation information needed to find research data, analyze trends and journals, and share findings.
Peter Sjögårde, 2014-06-16. KTH, ECE-Skolan, Enheten för publiceringens Arts & Humanities Citation Index (Web of Science) Innehåll: Täcker ett flertal områden inom humaniora. Typ: Citeringsdatabas Mer information » · Cite Seer ForskarSnabben: Scopus vs. Web of Science. 10 mars 2017.