Chto skryvaet kozha. 2 kvadratnykh metra, kotorye diktujut


Chto Delat - events and around - Startsida Facebook

Throughout July and August, CCA and Chto Delat will be working with different individuals and groups to develop disparate and connecting timelines of events and actions, beginning from 1989, that have shaped experiences of the city of Glasgow. Due to irreconcilable differences between the editorial staff of Chtodelat News and the Chto Delat work group, this blog is closed until further notice. Archival materials from the past five years will still be available here, but no new postings will be made from today. Directed by Nadezhda Marusalova, Pavel Reznikov.

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I två tragikomiska installationer, som främst bärs fram  GD Kultur ser Konstcentrums hyperaktuella utställning med det ryska konstkollektivet Chto Delat. Da, eto russkiy, vy ne otvetili na moy vopros, chto vy budete delat'? översättning. 2 David Bowie är; 3 Carlos Saura. Spanien, 50-talet; 4 Bacon Freud och London School; 5 Chto Delat; 6 Josep Renau och andra republiken; 7 Louis Faurer.

Chto Delat, Dror Feiler, Gunilla Sköld Feiler.

On the Conditions of Production - Konstnärsnämnden

(What is to be Done?) The Excluded. In a Moment of Danger. Video, 56 min, 2014.

Chto delat

Chto Delat: Chernyshevskij, Nikolaj: Books

Chto delat

It is perhaps not always recognized that in Silone's novel Fontamara the newspaper  Chto delat / What is to be done? is a collective whose name derives from a novel by the Russian author Nikolai Chernyshevsky, as well as from Lenin's political  Bukinist Chto Delat ?

is a collective whose name derives from a novel by the Russian author Nikolai Chernyshevsky, as well as from Lenin's political  Bukinist Chto Delat ?
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Chto takoe vospitanie v stile kouching Annotacija . Stat'ja «Pochemu  Dmitrij Vilenskij, konstnär och medlem i “Chto delat?”, ett konstnärskollektiv i St. Petersburg.

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CHto delat'? in Russian Language - Chernyshevskij Nikolaj

working meeting in Petersburg" Pro Arte Institute, St. Petersburg, Ryssland / 3 dec, 2005. Den ryska gruppen Chto delat?/ dodriy den budet li ot admina oprosi chto delat; , chto - net ?

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The collective Chto Delat / What is to be done was founded in early 2003 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Chto Delat Out Of The Dark II at KOW. September 1, 2020. Artists: Candice Breitz, Chto Delat, Clegg & Guttmann, Alice Creischer, Heinrich Dunst, Estate of Barbara Hammer, The Cabinet of Ramon Haze, Hiwa K, Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger, Oswald Oberhuber, Mario Pfeifer, Dierk Schmidt, Santiago Sierra, Michael E. Smith, Franz Erhard Chto Delat - events and around. 5,546 likes · 20 talking about this.

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Chto Delat (What is to be done?) was founded in 2003 in Petersburg by a working group of artists, critics, philosophers, and writers from Saint Petersburg, Moscow, and Nizhny Novgorod with the goal of merging political theory, art, and activism. Chto Delat Chto Delat (“What is to be done?”) was founded in 2003 and consists of a group of artists, critics, philosophers, and writers from Petersburg, Moscow, and Nizhny Novgorod. Fusing political theory, art, and activism, this group works as a self-organizing platform for reflections and re-examinations of “knowledge production” of cultural workers. Chto Delat (What is to be done?) is a collective founded in early 2003 in Petersburg by a workgroup of artists, critics, philosophers, and writers with the goal of merging political theory, art, and activism.

From its inception, the collective has been publishing an English-Russian newspaper focused on the urgent issues of Russian cultural politics, in dialogue with the international context. In the context of contemporary Russian artistic and intellectual life, the significance of the Chto Delat School for Engaged Art and Rosa’s House of Culture is difficult to overstate. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union (and, indeed, during the years of perestroika that preceded it) Russian radical art practices have for the most part been profoundly public and performative in orientation. Chto Delat Out Of The Dark II at KOW. September 1, 2020. Artists: Candice Breitz, Chto Delat, Clegg & Guttmann, Alice Creischer, Heinrich Dunst, Estate of Barbara Chto Delat (What Is to Be Done?), an art collective of nine core members: Olga Egorova aka Tsaplya (artist), Nina Gasteva (choreographer), Artemy Magun (philosopher), Nikolay Oleynikov (artist), Alexei Penzin (philosopher), Natalia Pershina aka Glucklya (artist), Aleksandr Skidan (poet and critic), Oxana Timofeeva (philosopher), and Dmitry Vilensky (artist) Chto Delat sees itself as an artistic cell and also as a community organizer for a variety of cultural activities intent on politicizing “knowledge production”. The works of the collective are always case based analyses of a concrete social and political struggles.